A review by sleepey
Metal Gear Solid by Raymond Benson


This book is infamous among Metal Gear fans for being a terrible adaptation, & it often comes up alongside the same handful of really bizarre quotes (like the one where Snake randomly says Merry Christmas to a couple of guys he's knocking out), so I was curious to see how unhinged it would get. Unfortunately (?) it turned out to just be... kind of good actually?

The worst lines all come out in the first few chapters & then the rest is just a super readable retelling of the story. Maybe a little campier than the original script but you soon settle into it. There are some minor changes here & there, mainly to fit the format better or to foreshadow the later games, all pretty positive honestly.

I don't think a person who's never heard of MGS would really get much out of this. But if you've played the game & it's been a while & you want to relive the story (but as a book for some reason) I'd say it does the job pretty well.