A review by sortabadass
Ice Bound: A Doctor's Incredible Battle for Survival at the South Pole by Jerri Nielsen


I love learning about the scientific community down in Antarctica, and this book served as a vehicle for that.

In terms of its efficacy in conveying Dr. Nielsen's story apart from the setting, my feelings are mixed. The story of Nielsen's cancer was relatively repetitious and dull as true medical dramas often are. As we often do, I puzzled to figure out why a mother was so estranged from her children. I am sad to say that I judged her -- more harshly than I would have judged a father in her shoes.

A few minutes of idle googling brought me to her daughter's blog where she discussed Nielsen's death. After reading it I felt more conflicted than I had, and somewhat ashamed for my assumptions about Nielsen and her family.

We all have those bits of our life that aren't perfect but Nielsen's were broadcast to the world. It is human nature to make sense of the world around us by placing others into categories: 'he's poor because he wastes his money on frivolous things' or 'she's probably receiving assistance because she had her kids so young.' However, this does a disservice to the complexity of human beings and their interactions. Sometimes I need help remembering that.