A review by blakehalsey
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan


David Levithan has yet to disappoint me. In his ground-breaking novel, Boy Meets Boy, Levithan chronicles Paul's experiences as a gay boy who's always had it pretty easy--until he meets a boy he really could love and screws it up. While he tries to make things right, we get a glimpse into other lives who haven't had it so easy--Tony who's religious parents won't accept their son's sexual identity, Infinite Darlene who's a transgendered quarterback homecoming queen, Kyle who's sexuality is a source of confusion for him, and Joni who's friendship with Paul starts to crumble when she chooses to date a jerk. Through it all, Levithan tells Paul's story with humor, lyrical language that truly captures the feelings of first love and adolescent uncertainty, as well as a sensitivity that makes this truly important book for not only gay and lesbian young people looking for courage to be themselves, but for everyone who desires to be a person who loves, accepts, and affirms.