A review by onceandfuturelaura
Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex by Brian Michael Bendis


Wherein the Guardians of the Galaxy and select members of the Avengers and the X-Men team up to play Goblins and Grottos. And also attempt to save the galaxy from a MacGuffin named THE BLACK VORTEX. Which is a mirror that turns people into cosmically punched up versions of themselves, which is pretty exciting when it's Hank McCoy.

I'm only reading one of the nine storylines this book collected, which is probably why a lot of it left me mystified. But a lot of it did leave me mystified. Also, a distracting number of people monologued with their butts jutting out provocatively, which I found distracting.

Kitty Pride saves the day, which I find utterly believable. But not that she and Star Lord would get married. She's WAY too good for him.

A fine MacGuffin.