A review by emmart
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang


This book is without a doubt a masterpiece. Truly masterful the way that Kuang weaves this tale of ownership and authorship. It is hard to put into words how phenomenally she subverts and questions the choices and thinking of June while writing her in a way that invites the reader to empathize. And then you catch yourself empathizing with something and someone objectively bad. The ways that June talks to herself, to others and the ways that she turns your perception on its head were disorientating, infuriating, empathetic, challenging, and above had me guessing my own thoughts and feelings on the situation throughout. There were even times where I felt myself wishing for things to turn out alright for June. While I don't think I ever caught myself outright rooting for her, I just have to stop and realize I was nervous for her, nervous she would get caught, and nervous for what would happen to her if now was the moment it all came crumbling down. And that begged the question, why? Why was I worried about the villain in this story? And why was I able to forget that she was the villain and not the victim? And what does that say about me? About us?

If I haven't already conveyed in words how complex, multi-faceted, and layered this story is yet, trust me it is all those things and more. This novel has so much to say to the world and so much to comment on when it comes to the way we perceive, talk about, and even benefit from the voices of people of colour. There is also so much to be said in this novel about the publishing industry and its cross to bear in this whole discussion. Where does it go wrong and how does it fail authors of colour? Is it well-intentioned or is it malicious? Do intentions matter? And how does the world treat them, especially in a world where we think we've evolved past racism (spoiler: we really haven't)?

I could easily write an entire thesis on all the different, absolutely genius things this book does, in the absolutely incredible way that it does it, because as I've said, it is a masterpiece, but I want to reserve space for other own voices reviews and also because I don't want to spoil anything (and it's hard to talk more about the absolute stunning elements of this book without getting into the details). I think that this book is a must read, doubly so for white readers because it demands confrontation with ourselves and our beliefs. This is a book that I will be thinking about for a long time, and I book I hope to revisit again and again to peel back the layers that Kuang has built. Because this is truly a book that demands analysis, that demands critical thinking, that demands to be questioned, demands we wonder at the actions of June, not because it isn't brilliant, but because it so brilliantly shows us that this too must be demanded of our own world.

It really deserves all the stars!