A review by troll_mouse_books
Blackout, by Rob Thurman


6 books in, and Thurman is still dishing out the same kickass brotherly 'urban fantasy' stories about the Leandros brothers! I'll have to re-read them all to truly rank them, but I know this one might well rank above some of the others. : )

Too many gem scenes to count.


I loved the concept of amnesia!Cal. Loved seeing Niko, Robin, and the rest through this 'new' Cal!
I really enjoyed the examination of the brothers' relationship. Then again, I've always loved the way Thurman writes the brotherly love moments without overdoing it.

I may have squee'd when Niko and Robin turned up in Nevah's Landing to get Cal. : )

I loved the rest of Wahanket's mummy-cats! Especially Spartacus!

I was especially hooked, there was no stopping, once Cal figured out about the laced toothpaste.

Cal as we know him might be back. And he might believe that the guy he was as amnesia!Cal is gone, but the returned!Cal we saw at the end wasn't fully old!Cal. He's changed. He's grown up a bit. Or that's what I believe anyways.

I also loved the moment at the party when Robin discovered that Cal was almost back.

The epilogue was major creepy! Poor auphe experiments left to like 25 years of hell in those cages. *shudder* I'm glad that Cal shot them for 2 reasons: 1. There was nothing else to do, and it was a mercy. 2. This means the next book won't be all about them.

I really enjoyed this one. I don't know how you do it, Rob Thurman, but you do. : )

It's hard to choose just one quote, but having just finished the book minutes ago - this is one (of many) that sticks out:

"Sitting beside him, I leaned against him so he could pretend he wasn't leaning against me. He always had to be the strong one. Who was I to take that away, even once?" p. 299

Cal, you've matured, you badass softie!