A review by judithdcollins
Winter at the Door by Sarah Graves


A special thank you to Random House Publishing Group, Bantam Dell, and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

WINTER AT THE DOOR (Lizzie Snow #1), a new crime series by Sarah Graves introduces likable cop, Lizzie Snow who has left Boston for Bearkill, Maine where things are rather dark, and not so calm.

Liz has some troubles of her own with her sister’s death and her missing niece, Nicki which is a big reason for coming to Maine in all its cold and ice. As small towns go, outside visitors are not so welcome and forthcoming with information.

To further complicate matters, the handsome state cop, Dylan who once broke her heart wants another chance and her boss, Cody needs her help in solving the death of former cops. What ties the murders to ex-cops? Dylan is also investigating the murders of two girls and leads him to the area, so Lizzie has plenty of action going on.

This was my first book by Graves and enjoyed the short fast-paced crime mystery as she sets up for the next installment. I had read Winter at the Door compares to a few books I have read: This Little Piggy by Bea Davenport, Fallen by Leslie Tentler, and Presumption of Guilt by Marti Green; however, did not find a lot of similarities as each have their own unique style.

I delighted to be introduced to this newfound author and look forward to reading more from the Lizzie Snow character, as she is funny, quirky, and smart and enjoy her personality. Sounds like the author knows her way around Maine and the snow.

(I enjoy reading about it, but prefer my warm sunny beach weather here in South Florida, even though a rustic log cabin in the woods with a fire, a crime thriller, and snow sounds warm and cozy)!

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