A review by geeknb
The Mutt by Kasia Bacon


The world building, of an elven army and the different regiments, is excellent and information is slipped unobtrusively into the story. The author provides a Glossary at the back of the books but I felt no need to check it. I never once felt lost in the narrative or clueless as to who or what something was.

The Mutt starts the series. Written from the POV of Ervyn, a dark elf archer, it tells the tale of his attraction to the mysterious Lochan Feyes, a half-elf/half-human (mutt) assassin training for the elite scout unit. Ervyn is determined to break down Lochan’s defensiveness. This is the shortest of the three books and whets your appetite for what is to come. A taster that leaves you craving more. But for such a short story it really packs a wallop of feelings and desire.

I can’t recommend this series enough. Even if you aren’t a fantasy fan these stories are an effortless way into the genre and very character driven. If you love seamless worldbuilding, banter, sexual tension, and flawed but likeable characters then these books are definitely for you.