A review by becsa
Legally Ours by Nicole French


This is such a great conclusion!

There were still so many ups and downs in this book with what Skylar and Brandon were faced with but I loved how everything gradually came together.

For Skylar she had to deal with her past and figure out that she couldn't keep running from her problems. I think with what she had to go through at the beginning of this book it was a huge awakening for her and she really realized how much Brandon cared about her.

Brandon also had so much to deal with as we learn more about his own past and how both Skylar and his best friend Kieran had to work together to get Brandon to see that he truly needed help with his nightmares.

I loved the extent that Skylar was willing to go to for Brandon in order to be seen in the press in a better light. I hated that she had to go through all that stuff and the names she was called. I definitely had wished that Brandon had some press release about when he actually got separated in the first place so that Skylar didn't have to go through all that crap.

I loved the end and Brandon's decision but then definitely knew what was coming at the end with the revenge.

Such a great series and I look forward to more from this author.