A review by mjreutman
Indignities of the Flesh by Bentley Little, Bob Eggleton


While I think that Little is one of the best horror novelists working in our time, I did not find his short stories lived up to his reputation.

The stories are original and creative, but they are not exceptionally scary or wacky, like Little is known for. Many of these stories are suitable for teens, and I would say readers could read most of these to their children without worry of extreme sex or violence.

'Happy Birthday, Tama' is one story that did stand out in this collection as wacky and creative. It will make you uncomfortable is some very fun ways. 'Brushing' is another that stuck with me, but the remaining stories did not grip me like he usually does.

This is a short quick read that can be done in only a few hours. If you are looking for some very light horror with some original story lines, this is for you.