A review by beckymmoe
Fairy Mom and Me #3: Fairy Unicorn Wishes by Sophie Kinsella


Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 2/4/20.

Fairy Unicorn Wishes is the third book in [a:Sophie Kinsella|6160|Sophie Kinsella|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1245821549p2/6160.jpg]'s Fairy Mom and Me series, but if you haven't yet read the first two books, no worries! Ms Kinsella has an intro at the beginning of the book (Meet Fairy Mom and Me) to introduce new readers to the world that she has created here with Ella Brooks, her (fairy) mom, dad, and baby brother Ollie.

The rest of the book is four different "fairy spells"--four short stories featuring Ella and her mom and at least one spell that--apparently, as usual--doesn't go exactly as it was intended to. They can be read in a single sitting with (or by) older children with a slightly longer attention span, or one at a time with younger children or when time is at a premium. The last few pages are a family activity guide that lets children and caregivers expand on the stories--there's a word search, a craft idea, drawing/decorating prompts, and a what do you think? question that will keep the stories fresh in readers' minds and allow them to use their own imaginations.

I've been reading Ms Kinsella's adult books for years, and hadn't realized that she'd started writing for children as well. The stories here were really cute, with a whimsy that adult readers of her books will recognize. Even though readers (probably) don't have their own fairy moms, it's easy to sympathize with Ella: she likes to spend time with her best friends, loves sparkles and unicorns, and worries about being different and the mean girl next door. The stories often have a message (work toward you goals, for example) but aren't overly didactic--it's easy to see how this book would appeal to 5- to 7-year olds and their caregivers.

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.