A review by gen_wolfhailstorm
The Hollows by Chris Ryall


This graphic novel is set in a future Japan, where Tokyo has been destroyed by Hollows. The rest of civilisation have been forced to move up into the trees, with the rest perishing down below.
This story was super unique and actually quite moving, emotionally. I guess you could say it's a "zombie" books for something similar to compare it too, but really it's about the people and I loved that.
The art is totally one of the main aspects of this story that really connected me to what was happening. I just loved the art style. I'd describe it as a sort of sketch, with a flash of colour here and there, blueprint-esque at times and I feel like crayons were used at points. Whatever it was it added texture and the striking shades accentuated the heightened scenes caused by the crisis of the moment.
I quite like the little panels at the back. I sort of tried to imagine how the story would play out, but it was nice to guess.
The characters were great. I'd say our main ones were Craig-San and Lani. The prior I felt lacked empathy and was a bit heartless, but I think he was masking his true feelings. I liked the characters overall.
Spoiler I was a bit shocked by Lani and Eiko's relationship at the end. I thought if anything it would have developed more into a motherly-daughterly bond, especially as Eiko only had boys and Lani had no parental figure

Unexpectedly loved this story. I borrowed it from the library and tempted to get my own copy!

Pick it up, give it a go and enjoy! >(^_^)<