A review by ihaz
Malcolm X on Afro-American History by Malcolm X


This is my third book on Malcolm X, in which this one is the shortest. Despite that, it truly broke my heart reading on the many torturous and inhuman treatments on the black people, done by the ‘slave-makers’ and all those who supported them, in order to remove any trace that would lead them to their African culture, civilization, and their upbringings. Nothing of their history is kept, so that with time, even the Africans themselves would not believe how civilized and high-cultured they were in the long past. And sadly, black people are still many a times seen as inferior to even an ignorant and illiterate white person. Malcolm X called for black nationalism, and for action, instead of passively hoping that they’d be stronger one day. Only when their voices are heard, and only when they step up, whilst knowing their true identity and history, will the blacks have the rights that they deserve.