A review by kitvaria_sarene
The Shadow Saint by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan


This one has been on pause for ages. Not for any fault of the book, which was just as amazing as the first one, but because it is really complex and I just couldn't follow it for a long while, because pandemic brain had a short attention span. And this series demanded more brain activity from me than ASOIAF for example...

I'm finally mostly back to normal and with a bit of skipping back I finally managed to actually compute and appreciate the story.

We see a lot of old friends from book one, along with a new cast, and new gods, and I was interested in each and every of them, which is rare with a cast as big as this one. There were so many great twists, and turns and unforeseeable things again, along with plenty of miracles and fantastic elements. Just as with book one it should be a chaotic mess, but just like with book one instead it simply works for some reason.

If you enjoyed The Gutter Prayer, you'll love this one just as much!