A review by beardedbarista
The Juliette Society by Sasha Grey


As a porn screenplay you could maybe give this book a 4 or 5 star rating. But as a book. Like one with a plot and such... not so good.
This is possibly one of the most sexually explicit things I have ever read. I will say that Sasha's ability to write sex is very adept. If you cut the gratuitous sex out of this book the story may have actually had merit. It would have been 27 pages long but it would have been recognized by a larger audience. Everyone was clambering over [b:Fifty Shades of Grey|10818853|Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades, #1)|E.L. James|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1385207843s/10818853.jpg|15732562] when it came out as this raunchy sexual book.
This book and I am sure it is not the first of its kind or the most graphic but for me it takes the cake. This book makes Fifty Shades look like a virgin wrote it.
I had to read this book because it intrigued me that a former porn star, hardcore porn at that, would put something out that I could pick up at Barnes and Noble. While the book was bad I am still impressed with anyone who can get a book published and out to the masses. It is more than I can say about myself.
But damn is this book hard.
It is a shame that she wrote just sex in this book though. She does an excellent job with description and does create a very visual world with her writing but I just got so tired of it being sex scene after sex scene. It became more fluff to fill 300 pages than substance. Thats it guys! this book needed substance. Some of the hard sex could have stayed and gave Fifty Shades a run for its money. I am glad I gave Grey's first attempt at book writing a shot and ya know I will prob read her second if she makes another. Would be pretty crazy if a queen of porn becomes a New York Times Bestseller and takes over the industry.

Those are my feeling on this porno book(cuz that's what it is),