A review by veereadstoomuch
Murder in Little Italy by Victoria Thompson


Another audiobook. If I read this, I wouldn't have heard these Italian accents. I cannot tell if the accents are good or bad. It kinda took me out of it.

In terms of the story, I thought it was interesting. Sarah is back doing midwifery in Little Italy. The mother-to-be is a young Irish lass who married an equally young Italian boy. Their 'courtship' was quick, so Sarah was expecting a premature baby, but it is NOT! it's a big full-term baby! Soon, murders happen.
But why? And by whom?
Roosevelt shows up. Malloy is again annoyed. There's some race riots between Italians and Irish folks.
Again, the descriptions of the tenements and the work that people had to do to make a living. I really like the series and can't wait to see what happens with Sarah and Frank.