A review by chllybrd
Shadow Sight by E.J. Stevens


Ivy Grainger makes her living as a psychic detective. She has no clue how she got her gift and she definitely doesn't always enjoy it but it pays the bills. I liked Ivy right away, she was quirky and interesting to follow. Her roommate and business partner Jinx keeps her on track and grounded. There is a great amount of action and danger throughout the book as Harborsmouth is a dangerous place to live. There are a wide array of paranormal creatures introduced and there is even a unicorn who really doesn't have much of a role in anything but is introduced nevertheless. Harborsmouth is well written about and described. For most of the book we have no clue what Ivy really is and it isn't revealed until the end. I would actually like to read more about her and her biological father and why he left her.

Despite all that for a good portion of the book I just found myself bored. I'm not saying lots of good things didn't happen and I WAS entertained at points, I just didn't find myself getting that into it unless it was one of the action type scenes. Now despite saying that I'm still interested in seeing what happens next.