A review by aizataffendi
Falling Out of Time by David Grossman


Hugely gripping, it provides a deep dive into the minds of bereaved parents mourning the loss of their children even after many years. Some words were poetic, some parts were downright convoluted - the centaur weirded me out a little bit..but I guess with grief (that Grossman may experience having lost his own son), there are no right words nor stories to express how you really feel.

I saw first hand how my grandmother had slipped into severe depression after the untimely passing of my aunt to an autoimmune disease - her exact diagnosis is still unknown today. She would reminisce and weep, lamenting about how she should not have outlived her child - despite having outlived two sons, but I guess the measure of bereavement here is different because her sons passed on during their infancy. This was made worse when her first grandson also passed on 6 months later. It didn't take her long to succumb to her grief, when she herself passed on a year after her daughter left.