A review by thewrittenadventure
Terror is Our Business: Dana Roberts' Casebook of Horrors, by Kasey Lansdale, Joe R. Lansdale


I was reached out to by Lauren from Smith Publicity to read two novels from their authors. The first one I started, because it really piqued my interest, was Terror is Our Business: Dana Roberts' Casebook of Horrors.  Written in the third person, this novel is very unique from others that I have read in the past. As an avid fan of paranormal events, and a huge fan of shows like Ghost Adventures, I knew that I had to read this.

The novel is a collection of short stories, written by Joe Lansdale and his daughter, Kasey Lansdale. They follow the story of Dana Roberts and Jana, later in the book, as they tell stories about different paranormal events and encounters.

Interestingly, some of the short stories did include paranormal features or ghost stories that I was familiar with. Like the H tree in "The Case of the Stalking Shadow"

The reader is first introduced by Joe Lansdale, explaining how Dana came to be. He even states that these stories should be read over a course of weeks, rather than reading them all the way through, so that one can enjoy them better. After reading through these stories, I have to agree. Reading them, rather than binge reading them, gives you the time to process and really enjoy the tale before you dive into a new one.

Dana recounts her tales throughout most of the short stories by going to an event and telling the audience in the novel what happened. She has a very defiant and matter-of-fact attitude of, "I don't care if you believe me, but this is what happened." Jana, on the other hand, the reader meets in the story titled "Blind Love" where she and her friend go to an even to find a soul mate. These two completely opposite characters tend to mesh well together inside of the novel.

I have to admit, many of the stories were very unique and I was thrilled by reading them. They weren't just ghost stories, which I think would have eventually grown old. The Lansdale's clearly have a talent and knack for writing these types of stories. Kasey's voice was really a breath of fresh air in the way she writes her snarky comments that are sprinkled throughout her writing.