A review by multicoloredbookreviews
Disney Manga: Beauty and the Beast — Belle's Tale by Studio Dice, Mallory Reaves, Gabriella Sinopoli Sinopoli



This manga followed the live-action movie of a few years ago very closely. But perhaps the relationship and plot progression was a bit abrupt and could prove confusing for people not already familiar with the story.

As a 90's kid the original animated movie and it's drawing style holds a special place in my heart, but I still very much enjoyed this new re-imagining and redesign with more anime-inspired illustrations. However I must say a few of the vignettes were a little lazy, with no background aside from a gradient and blurry, undetailed images.

The coloring chosen for this manga, bright and in pastel tones, really managed to depict the warmth and optimism that are so characteristic of Belle.

All in all, I think this would appeal to all Disney lovers be them young or old.

**I received an e-copy from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**