A review by thenthememoriesfade
Antigone, Oedipus the King and Electra by Sophocles, H.D.F. Kitto, Edith Hall


Antigone: 5 stars
What I love about the character of Antigone, is that she is willing to do anything if she believes that, this is the right thing to do. She doesn’t care about higher power such as the law (Creon) and she refuses to submit to it, therefore she is punished for it. 

I wish someone would write a retelling of this myth because she is an interesting character. She has such a deep sense of filial piety for her brother, that she is willing to disobey the law and die so that he could be buried and not wander eternally without finding his way to the underworld.

Oedipus the King: 5 stars
Oedipus the King or no matter how hard you try to escape your fate, what is meant to be, will eventually happen. It’s pretty clear if you read any myth that no one can escape their fates, whether it’s Oedipus, Iocasta, or Laius, they all try their luck but end up meeting it anyway.

Electra: 3 stars
It’s definitely my least favourite among the three plays. I found the character of Electra a little similar to Antigone, since they are both looking for justice regarding a member of their family.