A review by ninjabunneh
The Mad Scientist's Daughter by Cassandra Rose Clarke


Years ago, I saw a movie called Bicentennial Man. It made me cry rivers. I see an echo of that movie in this book, and a new river of tears was forged today.
Usually when I don't like the main character in a book, the whole thing goes to shit. I'm very judgmental with my books. I'm also very unforgiving. The Mad Scientist's Daughter allowed me to despise the main, Cat, but fall in love with the story and the other characters.
We are told the tale of Cat and Finn, which spans many years. Cat, who is a little girl when she first meets Finn. And, Finn, who is an android her father brought to live with them.
Cat is selfish. So very selfish. I hate people who use others. She is the epitome of all I hate. She uses people to satisfy her own needs and wants. She is an empty void. Not thinking who she hurts to alleviate her own emotions. She uses Finn as she sees fit. Hurts him, but never looks to see the damage she does. She's blind.
Finn, not a human. Never claiming to be. Finn, who I was able to see as more human than Cat. Finn, who against all things thought possible, comes to love a woman who doesn't deserve him at all.
It's so funny because any tears I cried were over Finn or Cat's father. Cat does improve over the years in the story. I never felt like giving her redemption. As I said before, I'm very unforgiving.

I don't handle angst very well. This book is way up there in the angst department. It's probably why my review is quite short and a tad incoherent. I still feel a heavy sadness. But, ironically, I think that's also what makes a story wonderful. If it can make you feel emotions, even if you feel like your heart was torn to shreds, that makes it fabulous.

4 Nutella chocolate chip cookie stars

Thank you to Angry Robot, NetGalley, and Ms. Clarke, for the arc. No cookies were given to me in exchange for an honest review.

*Buddy read with Ange, Soumi, Sarah and Litchick.*