A review by dani_bugz
Altered by Gennifer Albin


This book was a waste of my time.

First up, the writing style annoyed me. These kids are meant to be seventeen right, not 30? THEN GODDAMN MAKE THEM SOUND 17!!! And they are all meant to be separate characters with their own voices? THEN DON'T MAKE THEM ALL SOUND THE SAME! The only character who had the slightest difference in character voice was Mr. Einstein at the end. Literally the only one.

Then there was all this love triangle shit, and seriously, Jost pissed me off big time! And he doesn't even sound like an eighteen year old father, wanting to do best but struggling at it. Nope he sounds like he's 30!!!! Seriously, Albin needs to learn to write YA properly.

Things went all over the place, with boring stuff taking up like a full chapter, and all the good stuff crammed into a few paras. Needless to say, there were a great many times where I was just reading dialogue. And even then I was skimming.

I don't even want to talk about this anymore. I was interested in finding the ending so I read up on the spoilers of the next book and - lo and behold - even that couldn't interest me in reading the final installment.

I actually regret spending my hard earned moolah on this book. ALtered made me want to throw it across the room. or ALTER it so that it has more pizzaz! HA! HA HA HA! *frustrated laughter* I do NOT recommend this book.