A review by nuhafariha
Inheritors by Asako Serizawa


Thank you to DoubleDay Books and NetGalley for the Advanced Reader's Copy!

Available July 14th 2020

When we think of Japan, we are often thinking of a sanitary, clean cut nation; maybe we just think of sushi or the bright and colorful anime world. We don't think about Japan's complicated history, its own internal and external wars and the lingering effects of colonialism. Asako Serizawa's "Inheritors" is a tour de force through modern Japanese history, often drawing on aspects of Japanese culture that we don't see in the mainstream. With a variety of narrative styles, Serizawa's collection of stories is surprisingly cohesive. From a simple tragic tale of a father leaving his family to a heart-wrenching and horrifying account of a true Japanese comfort woman, Serizawa shows the underside of Japan. The realities that Serizawa brings to life should be embraced and acknowledged as a part of history. A well written, emotive collection!