A review by depreydeprey
Postal: The Complete Collection by Matt Hawkins, Bryan Edward Hill


The 25 issue run included in this omnibus do something almost no other comic series I have read has done. It felt like a book. The plot developed, characters were introduced, had arches and often went away. Those 25 issues have a feel and flavor that felt unique to the genre and even if the last few issues had deeply unnesisary nudity the conclusion of the series worked for me. There are two aditional issues included in this collection, Postal: Mark and Postal: Laura. I wish I'd never read Postal: Mark. It corrupts much of what I liked and was drawn to in this series main character and brutally ties up a loose end that already felt handled by the series. Postal: Laura is better but still not to the level of the series and felt anticlimactic after the perfectly ambiguos ending to Postal issue 25. On the whole this feels like an instance where less would have been more where outside of the interesting issues that take you behind Isaac Goodhart's solid art little of value is added beyond the main series.