A review by miraeli
Returning to Shore by Corinne Demas


Returning to Shore was a nice, quiet, introspective and slow little novel that I read more or less in one sitting. I can honestly say I haven't come across another YA contemporary novel quite like it. It focuses on the main character and her relationship with her father, and there's no romance involved at all.

I might have liked a bit more development and closure on Clare's relationship with her mother, but the relationship with her father made up for any lack on that part. And it seemed like Clare was mostly static throughout the novel; I don't remember thinking she really grew or changed much by the end of the story.

I will say, though, I was rather irritated by how the point of Clare's father being gay was dealt with. A big deal is made out about how he married her mother and had her, and then realized he was gay. It's a rather stereotypical story, and furthermore, it completely erases the existence of bisexuality. He could have been married to her mother and still liked men and been with one after they divorced. It wouldn't have changed much.

Still, that huge flaw aside, I liked it well enough. I'm glad I read it.

(A copy of this novel was provided by the author and publisher through NetGalley for an honest review.)