A review by jennycoobs
The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life's Hard by Kara Tippetts


A hard but beautiful book. It hit me in my gut and I just wanted to wrap my arms around this precious family and love on them so much. She wrote with just rawness, such heartbreaking honesty, and everything in me just wanted to fix it! But she always always brought it back to the truth she was fighting to cling to and the reason why she could hold so tightly to that truth and write this book with such hard authenticity -- her hope rests in our mighty God and He brought her through this. I know the Lord will use in this book in such powerful ways to bring comfort to others who are going through painful, excruciating times, perhaps even fearing death themselves. In the pages of this book we can find a sweet friend, one who wants to walk with us and cry with us and plead with us, but one that will faithfully point us to the best thing, our dear hope: Jesus.