A review by lillian_francis
At Your Service by Ariel Tachna


This book broke me when Anthony and Paul had to part. And then when they attempted to continue their relationship only as friends I was shouting at the Kindle, this isn't what you want, either of you. But did they listen to me? Nope, not for ages.

Paul has a lot of bad habits that have become coping mechanisms. (Although is it bad that I hated the smoking more than I hated the sleeping around. And the thing that annoyed me the most was that there was never any indication that he washed his hands after he came back from a smoking break before going to serve in the restaurant!) Thankfully these aren't just swept away and immediately cured once he falls in love with Anthony. In fact Paul had me on edge for a long time where I was worried he would fall back into the pattern of self-deprecation. I got the impression that Paul's reputation was far worse than he realised, I think he was being touted as a sure thing by hotel staff to visiting business men, this was never confirmed but there was one scene that gave me that impression.

Overall a story that had me on edge for a far portion of it and that had to work for happiness all round but that made it all the more satisfying when it came.

That the author is invested both in Paris and publishing shined through in this novel.