A review by scrollsofdragons
The Wheel of Osheim by Mark Lawrence


I give this ending to a series a C.

Rating breakdown for the last book in a fantasy series :
Writing - 3/5 Kind of dry.
Worldbuilding - 3/5 Not much explanation.
Pacing - 2.5/5 There was an amazing battle that occurred quite early within the book so that after it, it felt very slow. So it kind of went slow in the beginning, fast then slow then back to fast, very up and down.
Plot - 4/5
Enjoyment - 5/5
Characters - 4/5 I feel the women not of Jal's family kind of lack.
Feels - 5/5
Engaging - 5/5
For a total of 4/5


The things I loved:

The battle at Red March, I loved Jalan as a marshal, like the dude did a kick ass job. Honestly my fave part of the entire novel was Red March against the army of dead, spearheaded by Marshal Jalan. Still surprised how well he was at it, he protected his city so well.

Family dynamic. Going to see his father whom he never really got on with after his mothers death and he thinks he is drunk so he says to him, I'll come back when your sober but then that never gets to happen because he dies, and he regrets what could have been between them. Then with his brothers, the middle brother is quite a decent bloke, and the scenes between the two of them were kinda sweet and then he died, died saving Jalan because he was the marshal of the city and his brother, that was so sad. And the eldest, treated Jalan like shit but in the end, he did have respect for him.
Then lastly, the red queen, the deformed brother and the silent sister. Oh these three, they sacrificed so much practically the twins with still helping their little sister be the red queen even though she kinda took it away from them and the twins strength and love for the country, for each other.

Jalan himself. I love his cowardly but loyal heart. The struggle between doing what is right and doing what he wants. The fact he's a womanizing whore and that is never ever changing. His charming and he's humorous and he's so damm lovable at times, even when he's being a selfish prick. The way he thinks himself as an uncle to Hennan. How he has so many fears inside of him that when they're at the wheel, no one elses can materialize because even the wheel can't soak up all the monsters Jal has. Just his monologue, the things he says, he was a delight to be in his perspective.

Throughout the whole series is the bromance between Jalen and Snorri which was so strong in this third book, honestly there is nothing better then a good bromance, nothing.

The Negatives:

The book I was expecting to take place with Jalen being dragged into hell, which I knew was by Snorri's hand which I was right but then we ended up in the desert which was completely unnecessary. Didn't much enjoy that part because I wanted to know what the hell happened in Hell, not this horrible desert culture, this world's sexist enough without adding them into it.

Snorri not appearing in present time until halfway through the novel.

And then the ending, and with this I'm talking about after the very last battle, the epilogue if you will. It was too short, like five pages, and it ends with Jal of all people being a cardinal like what?? And then he's fucking his friends wife anyway so like what the hell??? And have I mentioned it's too damm short, a reoccurring trend with fantasy novels where they wrap up the plot and that is that, the characters don't get an end, they get the very short end of the stick. Just needs a longer epilogue.

I did understand this worlds background in this third novel in the whole series which we should have got in book one.
