A review by rmsst62
Until the End of Time: Mind, Matter, and Our Search for Meaning in an Evolving Universe by Brian Greene

At many points, this book was a difficult read. It's well written but often times the scientific and mathematical subject matter is hard to grasp unless you have previous familiarity with it. Despite the tough parts, this book is well worth reading.
Like the title alludes to, the book details our current understanding of the universe from its presumed beginning through to its assumed end. All of this backed up with dozens of footnotes of references (as well as Brian Greene's own explanatory footnotes which are by far the longest I have ever seen in a book).
It gives a picture of humanity as an infinitesimal blip in the history of time while appreciating and marveling at the fact, that despite all odds (in the sense of probability), that we exist at all and can ponder our own existence and place in the universe.