A review by im211
The Confectioner's Guild by Claire Luana


Many thanks to Claire Luana for the opportunity to review her audiobook, and also Audiobox for featuring such as amazing for work

I am half tempted to add in baking phrases and food adjectives in my review after listening to this. But, Flame it, I'll hold back a bit.

Enjoyable tale about a gifted girl who has the power to infuse magic in her confections, fall into a bit of hot water on the day she discovers them and now her future to sealed as doom.
So Wren with past now haunting her more than ever and her gloomy future catching up to her, she has to find who has framed her and who is speaking to destroy the guilds power as a whole.

-what I liked-
Firstly enjoyed the confection background of the story how every day things like food, clothes etccan have greater purpose to serve than just being used for survival.

I loved the mystery aspect of the story and how the story managed to keep up the intrigue by introducing new suspects and at the same time hurtling new obstacles in Wrens path. It made me wonder will our MC with limited knowledge and power be able to get out of this web of conspiracy.

The characters and their characterizations made this book a whole more worthwhile, Wren with her suspicious instinct with her yearning for love and belonging slipping through, and her friends open minded, supportive and head strong.
No one is as they seem, sweet may turn bitter and vice versa and her worst adversary may not be that at all...they were deeply layered personality with surprises.

Wren had to come around to trust them even if for the sake of clearing her name but the she's not ready for for how convulating this game of power is since its not just one person behind it and it might end up condemning her after all.

I appreciated how after some of Wren's trust backfired she didn't go back in blindly forgiving everything, but was wary and accepting as she should.

_the meh bit_
I found the relationship with Lucas, progressing too fast and was rushed or maybe it was intended to make it see her feelings were because he was her knight in shining Armour?
To me, one bit of the clues made it very obvious who it was the motive too, nevertheless I still like how it resolved at the end and... It wasnt a straight cut one mind you!