A review by ekureck
Beautiful Savage by Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti

Did not finish book. Stopped at 59%.

The beginning was good - 3 stars at least. But it should have ended there. It was already long enough to be a short romance and they could have just been happy together in the woods - no need for the other side characters. Maybe the second half of the book will end up being good, but so far it’s just overused, cringey nicknames and a completely far fetched storyline that I’m so unattached to I have to force myself to read each word. I don’t even like either of the characters anymore and I honestly don’t understand how half of this is happening so quickly after she went through such heavy, heavy trauma. It’s just unrealistic in every single aspect. I haven’t DNF’d in a year… it wasn’t for lack of trying!