A review by doritobabe
Dancing in My Nuddy-Pants by Louise Rennison



I didn't love this one as much, even though I should as Georgia is at her wittiest (top humerosity) in this volume. However, le Paree was a bit boring and SG really is too sensible for Gee (but is very mature and all I would want in a boyfriend at 27 years old).

As always Georgia reminds me of a few things: love and value your friends, love yourself, play pranks on everyone... I mean, find humour in just about it all.

On to: [b:Away Laughing on a Fast Camel|347577|Away Laughing on a Fast Camel (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson, #5)|Louise Rennison|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1312508902s/347577.jpg|516302] which I think is the last time readers see these great covers, Georgia travels to Hamburgeragogo land, annnnnnnnndddd.... more laughs, I hope?

Disclaimer: The thing is about these books is that there isn't a ton of plot, or morals, or things once can write about... it's pure fluffy hilarious reminds-you-of-being-a-teenager fiction.