A review by alibi313
Little Sister by Gytha Lodge


My mistake was reading Lodge’s 3rd book in this series first, as it’s the best one. Went back and read first two and found them lacking, but figured she must improve with each book. NOPE! This is by far the worst one, as it took all the weakest tropes of the other three and amplified them. Delving into cringy romantic lives of the police protagonists. Misdirection and twists for the sake of twists. Antagonists with superhuman intelligence and abilities. Every available police officer on the force apparently working this one ridiculous case like lives hang in the balance, while simultaneously wasting so much time on their personal relationships. Characters we are suddenly supposed to like and sympathize with, after pages and pages of annoying behavior? Enough pedophiles for a Q-Anon conspiracy. Seriously, the book was so outlandish, it was obviously taking cues from the Satanic Panic of the 80s (secret basement torture rooms? every adult these kids come in contact with abuses them?). Then to have it revealed to be true??? The author had me rooting for the molesters over the victims, the girls were such little shits. UUUGGGHHH! I skimmed the last 1/3 of the book; it was so thoroughly convoluted and annoying.