A review by whatcha_listening_to
Drop Dead Sexy by Katie Ashley


** Reviewed Previously for Books n Boys Book Blog **

First, I licked Catcher so he is mine. Sorry ladies and gents I call dibs!
This book, oh boy I tell you I am going to go all fan girl and gush, if your fans of Katie Ashley’s work you already are going to like this book. If you’re on the fence GET THIS BOOK, it’s fresh and funny and HELLA sexy.
I mean it Mr. Catcher Mains is one dirty talking hero you want in your life.

Poor Olivia Sullivan does not have a great track record with men. It’s no fault of her own; I swear if I didn’t read it and laughed I would have wept for the girl. Not only is she the daughter of a mortician but living in a small town that’s got to be tough.
All grown up and unmarried at 30 and a mortician herself, didn’t scream come date me?
Not only is she an independent women but she has spunk have no fear she isn’t a wimp by any means. Maybe a little gun shy, she even endures a bachelor party for her mother whom she adore, open lingerie. (shutters) Or eat the parts of the scrotum from the phallus cake. Ha!
So when she meets Catcher it was time to dust the cobwebs off shall we say?

Holden “Catcher” Mains; Agent with the GBI- Georgia bureau of Investigations. He loves his job and his life but something is missing. At age 33 and unmarried, a perma bachelor. He stole my heart he did, with his dirty talking ways. Not to mention one innuendo at a time. He is not only funny but sweet and with a side order of charming.
Unknowingly they get thrown together after a one night stand. That becomes something more. These two feed off each other. He’s loose and witty and she is more caution, he brings out her naughty side. Not to mention she gives as good as she gets. He lets her be Liv not Olivia the mortician/coroner.
I will never look at a cupcake the same again. Finger licking good I say.

I don’t know if I have EVER laughed so much in a book before, seriously. I was laughing out loud so much my cats and kids looked at me like I was losing it. Oh and the blushing… I am NOT a blusher and Catcher made me blush like a tomato.
Even writing this and remembering. Oh Dear….
Not only is it hot and funny, but it’s got a great story that keeps you guessing and wanting to know who did it and what the freakity freak?!?!

This is a re-read if I ever saw one. Here are some of my favorite quotes.
Alan, Olivia’s younger brother… “First rule of Funeral Home Fight Club: No one talks about Funeral Home Fight Club.” Who says that!!
“Do not birch slap your grandmother. Do not bitch slap your grandmother.” – lmao
Catcher says this gem – “I wonder how he fits that in to a pair of jeans?” Oh it gets better.
I can never hear the words King and Kong without cracking up I swear Katie has ruined me for life!!! In a good way.
Olivia “Thou shalt not sext in the house of god,” Ha Cater did more than that…
“I would be happy to take you anywhere you’d like to go, Mrs. Sullivan. Even to a nudist colony.” Ha! Oh Catcher you shouldn’t. You naughty boy you.. LOL!

10 Star’s I don’t think I have ever really enjoyed a book this much..
Final thoughts…
Step away from the yarb’s! - Just saying!