A review by diaryofthebookdragon
Insanity by Cameron Jace


Insanity is not the first retelling of Alice in Wonderland I have read, but it is the first one that was able to capture the same surreal feeling as the original. Insanity is the book where all peaces do not match and everything does not makes sense. Probably because all main characters are insane.

Since I have already told you that everybody are off their rocker, it’s not a big surprise that Alice, our heroine, is a patient in the Radcliffe Lunatic Asylum. Alice does not remember why. But she was told she murdered all her classmates. Alice does not think she is a kind of person who could kill someone in cold blood. Then again, normal people do not have houseplants for the same reason as her.

"My orange flower is also my personal rain check for my sanity. If I talk to her and she doesn’t reply, I know I am not hallucinating. If she talks back to me, all kinds of nonsense starts to happen."

Alice’s world is not secure. She never know when things in the mirror will start talking back (or trying to kill her).

The asylum also holds one of the world’s most dangerous psychopaths, conveniently named Professor Carter Pillar. He claims that Alice is the only one who can stop mass murderer Cheshire Cat. Saving young girls lives is a task that will put additional strain on the already shattered Alice’s mind.

But even after Alice leaves the asylum, weird things keep on happening. What is true and what is a figment of her imagination? Cameron Jace makes Oxford seem like some magical, mysterious place from a fairy tale. He masterfully picks right adjectives and descriptions to make your skin tingle. I caught myself throwing furtive glances over my shoulder, although I was tucked into a secure hug of my favorite armchair.

"A thick mist hovered like veiled ghosts over the quadrangle garden known as Tom Quad. Water trickled steadily from a fountain in the middle like a ticking time bomb. The surrounding buildings loomed behind the cold air like a killer carefully watching the consequences of his brutal crime."

And this is where I must stop, because if I talk more about romance, murders or characters I would spoil something for you. And I think it would be a shame.

Insanity was not perfect, but it’s like a breath of fresh air in the pile of same-old fairy tale retellings. If you are looking for something original and do not mind dark atmosphere, surreal events and mentally unstable characters, you should check it out.

Disclaimer: I received this ebook from Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for a fair and honest review. This text is also posted on my blog Bookworm Dreams in a little bit more styled edition.