A review by luann
The Somebodies by Julianna Baggott, N.E. Bode


What a fun series! I've been enjoying them myself, and I've also loved the reception they've been getting in my library. I haven't had to sell them to the students at all. I just put [b:The Anybodies|364662|The Anybodies (Anybodies, #1)|N.E. Bode|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1348676237l/364662._SX50_.jpg|354703] on the "new" shelf, and it was immediately checked out. Soon I had several requests for the "Anybody" books. [b:The Nobodies|872789|The Nobodies|N.E. Bode|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1387710760l/872789._SY75_.jpg|858154] was also snatched up as soon as I put it out. And I had to put myself on the hold list for The Somebodies because I had so many requests for it before I had a chance to read it!

But you're probably wondering what I thought specifically of The Somebodies. Well, I enjoyed it a lot. Besides all the fun book references (which HAD to be there or I would have been disappointed), there were also a lot of interesting things about books in general - and how authors stitch their souls into books and that every time a reader finishes a book they love, they know the author's soul. But mostly I really liked the overall theme of this one: "The world is always changing, but there's a part of you that never changes. It's essentially you, and you can always rely on it to be true." And, "You've really got to be yourself in this life. You have to rely on something deep inside."