A review by alilv
The Inhabited Woman by Gioconda Belli


I had been wanting to read this book for months. The description sounded like my perfect book: a historical fiction based in South America (Nicaragua) during a dictatorship in which the main character joins the National Liberation Movement. Moreover, a subplot of an indigenous female warrior who ‘inhabits’ the main character’s body.

Sounds amazing right?

It’s not.

The main character is whiny, spoilt and in a permanent state of dufus. She pissed me off from the beginning with her constant mental masturbations and her inability to keep her feelings in order. It almost seemed as though she had been written by a man hell bent on maintaining the shit stereotypes set on women.

Oh and let’s not forget her mans. A manipulative, jealous macho who treats Lavinia like a baby bird who hasn’t learned how to fly. Again, it would seem as though it were written by a man!?!

I kept reading this book hoping, praying it would get better but, funnily enough, the ending was THE WORST BIT.

I am shocked at how this book is so revered as not only are the characters mind numbingly irritating but it seems as though it were Belli’s first ever book using the most basic and boring language I’ve ever read (this however could be due to translation so don’t want to be too excessive in berating Belli’s writing).

Sorry Allende but this book was not for me and frankly not for anyone who can walk, talk and breathe.