A review by writtenbysime
Red Notice by Andy McNab


RED NOTICE feels like Andy McNab trying to straddle the fence between his raw, expletive-laden Nick Stone series and his more recent efforts with fellow author Kym Jordan, which pack far more of an emotional pull and realism into its pages. Unfortunately the result lacks the impact of both. RED NOTICE is little more than an adept thriller. Undeniably readable, packed with plenty of action - but it's nothing we haven't read before. It's perfect airplane fiction. You part with your cash and you know what to expect.

Protagonist Tom Buckingham is fairly one-note. An SAS soldier struggling to balance his commitment to the Regiment with the needs of his girlfriend, who screws things up so badly she decides to leave him, buying a one-way ticket for the Eurostar the day after he fails to show up for their date. Naturally, Tom chases her down, manages to board the train just as the doors close - which is, naturally, the same train terrorist Laszlo plans to hijack; the same terrorist Tom and his SAS unit failed to capture less than 24 hours ago.

The plot just feels a tad too contrived for my tastes. I understand this is fiction; coincidences will occur in order to further the plot. Certain twists just seemed a tad too unnatural. There are the usual elements thrown in for good measure; traitors in the Regiment's ranks; Laszlo's plan isn't quite what it seems. All the necessary boxes are ticked off - just not in a particularly inspired fashion.

As the first in what is clearly a new series - too many plot threads are left dangling for this to be a standalone - RED LINE isn't the greatest of openers. My advice to any first-time McNab readers? Check out the Nick Stone books. For the rest of us stalwarts? This'll do. We desire better only because McNab's so often provided better. And it'll take a lot more than one mediocre thriller to stop me picking up his next.