A review by suey_library
Falling Star by Terri Osburn


Received a copy from Book End Tours and Terri Osburn in exchange for an honest Review.

I have never read anything from Terri Osburn and now I can honestly say that I am missing out. As a matter of fact, I have never heard of this author until I signed up for the book tour! So why do I need to add more of this author to my TBR? Oh it is quite simple...

I loved the characters. I mean I really loved and enjoyed every second of getting to know Chance and Naomi. Chance was really interesting character. I think he needed to grow the most as a character, battling his inner demons while facing the world especially while re-entering the music world. Hot headed, stubborn jerk off turned into a level headed, brilliant man. His evolution during the novel was amazing.

Naomi was also an amazing character. She is definitely a go-getter of personalities who I believe, made the novel, and really made Chance's growth seem so outstandingly beautiful. She was the missing glue to all the scenarios, and though at times she seemed rather pushy towards Chance, I think honestly, she is just an amazing female lead who is strong, independent, and well quite frankly had her own inner battles she needed to figure out along the way.

Chance and Naomi as a unit - hot damn. I am definitely a sucker for tension filled romances and these two take the cake especially in a work force environment. From their drama still hovering in their minds from their seven years prior to their new struggles, having to work together was literally the most fun to read. You could actually feel the steam blowing from Naomi's ears while reading. With their tension came the sexual variety. It was delicious.

Along with the positives of what I enjoyed most about the chemistry of Naomi and Chance also came a few pet peeves. For me, honestly, the tension filled scenes, the connection was brilliant. It was however the anti-climatic towards the end once the drama hit the shitter, and some of the supporting cast that up to this point seemed lack luster now played a pivotal role in the spiraling issues. It seemed rushed, and slightly out of place. I did enjoy the drama, I just think there might have been more that could have been explained to have gotten from one spot to the next.

I just needed more...

Then boom, it was over.

Rather anti-climatic for such an amazingly built story line up to this point.

Bottom line, even with my slight distaste for some of the drama build towards the characters, I really did enjoy Falling Star. It was a super fun premise, I loved the creative outlook of the entertainment business for the characters which greatly influenced their growth and chemistry. And I LOVED the chemistry between Chance and Naomi. Their romance definitely delivered the entire novel for me personally, and they are definitely a swoon worthy couple to indulge in. I definitely recommend giving Falling Star a go, I know I plan on snagging more from this author.