A review by merelymatt
The Archer Who Shot Down Suns: Scale-Bright Stories by Benjanun Sriduangkaew

What still sticks with me a month after reading:

1. A strange hotel room in another realm - I remember it as dark, I remember something being off about the moon, but can’t remember what was described and what left to the imagination to fill in

2. The monk, who never appears to be following, but who, when it suits him, when he is least wanted, is there

3. A woman bleeding at the foot of the clock tower; the bystander effect doing its thing until Julienne realises there actually are no other bystanders and this one is entirely on her

4. A tense meeting at the waterfront between the viper and the archer

5. Two very different physical reactions to the atmosphere of heaven

6. The topmost room of a pagoda in heaven - and, from one of the short stories included as backup material, a prison on the moon