A review by randikaye
Never Miss by Melissa Koslin


Christian romantic suspense is my personal favorite genre, and so I am always on the lookout for new authors to read. As such, I was excited to give this debut from Melissa Koslin a try. After finishing the story, I must admit I'm still a bit torn on how I actually felt about it...

On the positive, it started out with a bang and drew me in immediately. Though I've read other stories in which a virus outbreak is threatened, I found that the approach that this story took seemed unique and that did make it more enjoyable. In fact in reading, I found myself thinking often that there was something unique about the telling of this story. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was, but it was certainly different. That could be perhaps the history of the hero and heroine.

While I did enjoy Kadence and Lyndon, their backgrounds seemed almost too perfect. They were both highly trained and highly skilled, almost to the point that it seemed unbelievable. Yes, they had their personal difficulties, but in their chosen professions it almost seemed too easy.

I still enjoyed the story, but I think I might have enjoyed it a bit more had it seemed like there was a chance that this overly capable pair might not succeed. That said, this was quite the debut nonetheless and I so look forward to seeing more from this author in the future!

**I received a complimentary copy of the book for consideration. All thoughts are my own.