A review by deservepreserves
Tethered to the World by Stacey Brutger


Not for me.
Maybe I would have liked this if I was in high school. Or just way younger than I am now. The writing felt really juvenile and disjointed. The instalove was meh. Sometimes I can deal, but in this case it felt strange because they were all supposedly so tortured and guarded, yet they’re all weirdly in love within a week. I didn’t feel like I really knew any of the characters despite getting their POVs occasionally. I also didn’t have a good idea as to what any of them looked like. Except Mason has pink hair that moves and Camden is a lizard man or something in his other form.
Mostly what I got from this story is: Annora is super special and powerful and was tortured for forever in gruesome ways by her ultra evil uncle (who is evil maybe for power and greed?). The guys are super special and powerful and were all subjected to their own forms of torture by family or old pack members for *reasons*. They all are tortured super special outcasts together who are meant to be.

The most interesting part is Edgar, but then she decided to call him Eddie which is one of the most unsexy names possible. He goes from a ferret named Edgar to a man named Eddie? Shouldn’t that be the opposite? I digress. The concept of the afterworld was interesting, and I felt like it could have been really cool if the rest of the world building wasn’t so…nonexistent. Things aren’t ever explained well and I wasn’t gripped enough to see if they are explained in the next book.