A review by qdbibliophile
Havoc by Debra Anastasia


Overall: 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Feels: 😩😭💗💗
Tear jerker: ✅
Supernatural: ❌
Location: Presumably West Coast (USA)
Character age range: mid-late twenties
Lead: Animal
Love interest(s): T
HEA: ✅ -
“Love was pain where I was from. And I was in so much love I wanted to die.” -
“Tell him I only love once.” -
... .
~QD Book Info📚~
Kindle Unlimited: ✅
Audible: ✅
Stand alone: ✅ - Can be read as a stand alone or after Debra Anastasia’s book Mercy.
Sex/kink type: hetero, penetrative, oral, ménage, toys
Possible triggers: kidnapping, torture, child abuse, attempted rape, abandonment
I was hooked within a few minutes of reading. I ❤️ books like this. The storyline is dark but not so much so that it’s off putting. The characters are unforgettable, beautifully flawed and unequivocally bad ass. I was so wrapped up in them that my tears were just evidence of how invested in their relationships I’d become. And of course, the 🔥🔥🔥 sex didn’t hurt either. Epic read. ✨Blurb in the comments✨
IG: @theqdbibliophile

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