A review by kikiandarrowsfishshelf
The 7th Woman by Frédérique Molay, Anne Trager


Disclaimer: ARC read via Netgalley. I should note that I read it via Kindle, and the ARC format for kindle was really bad. I have no doubt that this is corrected in the final version.

When I request books from Netgalley, I try to request books that I know with as much certainty as I can, that I will most likely enjoy. If the publisher is going to be kind enough to let little me read an ARC, then I should at least request only those I have a strong interest in. My interest in this was lukewarm, but since it was a READ NOW option and an international mystery, I tried it.
It isn’t for me. I don’t like the sudden lust the book starts with; I don’t like over the top violence shades of Girl with Dragon Tattoo. I don’t. I know many people do. If you loved Larson, I’m pretty sure you will like this book. To be fail to Larsson, even all the women seem to be victims, some of them are avengers, and that doesn’t seem to be the case here.
I didn’t love Larsson. So I didn’t like the book and the formatting really didn’t help.

Crossposted at Booklikes.