A review by chroniclesofabookreader
Misadventures of a City Girl by Chelle Bliss, Meredith Wild


**3.5 Stars**

Misadventures of a City Girl created a push-pull romance between complete opposites; her escaping the city and a failed marriage, him escaping the grid and all contact with people after the detriment caused by war. When weather forces them into his secluded cabin, and subsequently each other's arms, the battle to fight it arises between them.

The fluidity of writing this story as a duo of writers felt very natural as it was easy to believe it came from one mind and two hands. I enjoyed the romanticism behind Madison's escape from betrayal and in the irony of her falling into the capable hands of a man who is more suited for her, but that she's blind to see it. Luke's compassion exuded from him and led him into being very hero-like. Their chemistry was instant; an insta-lust connection that quickly spiraled into an inferno of passion.

Misadventures of a City Girl read like more erotica than erotic romance due to its minimal character development or depth to plot other than this being a very fantasy-like imagining. I did wish for more to their characters, more to the push and pulls than the erotic nature of their relationship as I could see the potential to their story from the very beginning. Luke's PTSD was a passing mention rather than a true character piece that, if actually used, would have been a very debilitating condition for him. I think it was a missed opportunity to explore something in him and in how she could've managed to be a support for him.

If you're looking for an erotic romance with intensely heated scenes, this is your story. It was very well done for that genre, and gives a reader exactly what they want. It was easy to feel the scenes and imagine the story as it played out from page to page. I wanted more, yes, but as it is written, it's a good, quick read that'll tick all of your boxes.

**Received an early copy from NetGalley; this had no bearing on my opinions**