A review by rks97
Faint Heart by Lizzie Ashworth


'Faint Heart' is a cute and uplifting contemporary romance that I managed to breeze through very quickly and it was a delight to read!

This book tells the story of Cara Carson and Morgan Woods. They find themselves getting closer and closer after Morgan's company is working for Cara to construct and build her dream restaurant. Neither of them want to fall in love as they both have had bad experience concerning love.

Cara was a great character. I thought she was very head-strong and independent. Of course after what she has been through she is very vulnerable and she finds it difficult to let herself indulge in love and it was great reading about her finally overcoming that feeling and giving in to, what I believe, she deserved.

Morgan was a very complex character, at the beginning he was great. Very funny and just seemed like a top lad. After a particular scene in the book we saw a pivotal, and quite scary, change in his character. As a reader I was quite horrified but we got his back story very soon after and it then became so much easier to somewhat understand, not forgive and justify, but empathise with him.

To begin with, I thought Cara and Morgan's relationship was quite superficial but it was brill seeing that develop into what it was at the end of the book. There was a part where Morgan misunderstood something and thought Cara was cheating on him and I hate that cliche misunderstanding scene but they got over it pretty quickly but then it happened again! It was incredibly frustrating and I wanted to knock some sense into Morgan!!

I thought the secondary characters, especially Morgan's dad, were great. They were a great addition to the book and I loved the balance they provided to the drama and angst of the main couple.

All in all, it was a really great contemporary romance. The main couple is definitely quite stubborn and frustrating but it really is a great book!

*Thanks to the author who sent me a free copy in exchange of a review!*