A review by hoperu
Don't Hex with Texas: Enchanted Inc., Book 4 by Shanna Swendson


Originally reviewed 2013. Updated 2015
"Hey, do you think anyone will write stories and songs one day about this epic fight of good against evil?" "Not unless you feel like doing it. And it's more like good against annoying, which is less epic."

The so-far final book in the series (which is a huge shame, because there is so much ground that could still be covered) sends Katie Chandler back home to Cobb, TX, where magic is supposed to be non-existent. Of course, Katie seems to draw weirdness and magic wherever she goes, so it should be no surprise that strange magical doings start popping up. When things start to get serious, Owen Palmer, the man she left behind in NY (for his own safety) shows up to sort things out.

Update No longer the final book in the series! There are three more books that Swendson self-published and are available on Amazon.

I still love this series for a fun and light-hearted fantasy read. It isn't overly mopey or portentous, and I wish I was friends with the characters.