A review by aicarr
A Clash of Steel: A Treasure Island Remix by C.B. Lee


sapphic pirates?!! on a treasure hunt?!!! (incoming longest review yet)

the world-building was exquisite. even without the 3 different authors notes/ history references, it was obvious a lot of research was put into it. i loved the beginning along with the canton scenes (legit felt as i was there and eating). but my favorite part was def the sailing chunk in the middle. more please. 

the characters were so fun (especially the diverse supporting ones). the romance was sweet and cute (and spaced out over weeks. aka no u hauls). basically perfect right??

nah. my complaints: 
1. the who’s the dragon head twist was seen from the 1st chapter 
WHY WOULD THE MOM KILL HER DAUGHTER. it’s just such a dump plot point especially when she originally wanted the best for her? even with some slight emotional neglect ?why?

3. the treasure hunting part. i actually liked the plot of it but it didn’t flow from the sailing. it felt as it was forgotten and then oops this is inspired by treasure island lemme change the vibe