A review by amberunmasked
Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change by Michael M. Hughes


ARC Courtesy of NetGalley

The book is set up in clear logical order by chapters with so much inclusion and instructions, that I questioned whether or not I needed to continue to write my own handbook. After reading, I can say, my book (should it ever come out) would complement Hughes’ work well. He offers so much that I only tapped into. Needless to say, if you’re interesting in learning as a novice or want some ideas as an experienced witch, this book has a ton to offer. His spells and rituals are designed for most of the social justice causes you can think of today: environmentalism, sexual abuse, reproductive rights, hexing the NRA, and protecting immigrants. Each of them is presented after chapters and chapters of historical context.

Another highlight is that Hughes presents the diversity of African-American to Haitian to Celtic to Buddhist to Christian perspectives. This is obviously intensely researched, and I’ll add, properly cited. Magic for the Resistance takes off with a timeline through some of witchcraft’s more (in)famous public hexes and spells. Readers will get a much better understanding and appreciation for why women showed up to protests in the past two years clad in black robes with pointed veiled hats carrying and carrying signs silently. They are a new offspring of the hippie subculture. Their tactics are clever and amusing.


“Be conscientious of your guests with special needs, and plan accordingly.”

Hughes is a considerate author and magician. He gives a lot of sound advice for frugal alternatives. He also provides suggestions for people with disabilities who may not be able to do things like stand and walk in a circle or go to a protest or walk through the woods. His sensitivity on financial considerations, ableism, and racial issues makes this book revolutionary. He goes even two steps further. At his suggestions for taking something from nature to use (such as a rock or feather) or if you leave wards (such as spell jars or melted candles) out in public/nature, you should spend the time and energy to pick up some litter while you’re there. His second suggestion comes at the end of every ritual: giving donations to a worthy cause befitting the intention of the spell.

If you are in the market for a superbly-written book with history, instructions, and sample rituals to fight the patriarchy, protect others and the environment, and win justice for the highest good, Magic Resistance by Michael M. Hughes is the perfect book.
A longer review with more quotes is at my site and will be available July 24, 2018 because Patreon backers get access first: http://www.amberunmasked.com/review-magicresistance/